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apocalyptic 1+ astronomy 1+ brisbane 1+ causes 1+ cento 1+ chatgpt 1+ dance 1+ del rey 1+ elton john 1+ emergence 1+ facts 1+ feminism 1+ friends 1+ games 1+ historically underrepresented groups 1+ history 1+ inventions 1+ lambchop 1+ magic 1+ magical realism 1+ math 1+ movie 1+ privilege 1+ recursion 1+ tafka 1+ true crime 1+ urban fantasy 1+ vinyl 1+Articles with Category music
- Blackstar
- Brownsville Girl - Song
- Brownsville Girl - Song
- Come Back, All Is Forgiven
- Conga Line Mathematics
- Different Points of View (Dylan and Del Rey)
- Fact Checking "Nightflight to Venus"
- Henry Porter
- Items my friends have produced that I wish to freely promote
- Making Prose Poetic
- One of Everything
- Pink Floyd's The Dark Side of the Moon
- Red Right Hand
- Revolution Rock Oral History of Brisbane Music 1942-present
- Smoke On The Stairway To Roadhouse California
- Songs That Reference Themselves
- The Common Touch
- The Magic of the Blues Brothers
- What wouldn’t meatloaf do for love?