grimoire + psyops
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8 Articles that combine these categories:
grimoire + psyops(See also: all categories, featured categories, featured articles, all articles. Sort articles by name, created, edited)
8 Articles that combine these categories:
A group of Explorers are traversing a system of Caves when they find a Treasure. In accordance with an agreement that they signed before entering the cave, the Treasure must be divided fairly between them, in such a way that they are each satisfied that they will derive equivalen…
There's a long long tradition, dating back at least five years, of reimagining a movie to have a different premise, generally in which one or all characters are dead, imaginary, or linked in an unexpected way, possibly involving time-travel. "This amazing pixar fan theory" -- Pi…
Nonsense is nonsense. But the study of nonsense? That is a science. —Saul Lieberman - Apophenia is when the human mind finds meaning in the meaningless. A specific well-known special case of apophenia is “pareidolia”: the seeing of human faces in things which do not contain huma…
Franz Kafka, pausing to sip a cup of coffee, discovering it has gone cold. Franz Kafka, getting on his best friend Brod's nerves over whether or not to keep the window open when they share a room at a hotel. Franz Kafka, at the end of his life, making hand shadow-puppets in the…
As mentioned on my ridiculously over-long analysis of Come Back, All Is Forgiven Analyzing a joke is like dissecting a frog, in the end they both die. —Woody Allen ...hence I must first apologise for the murder I am about to perform upon this most perfect song. I only pray that…
What is the connection between these three things? - A Chinese legend of an invisible cord tied around the ankle that connects those who are destined to meet. - Kabbalist belief that a thin scrap of woolen thread can be worn to ward off misfortune brought about by the evil eye. -…
Steganography is about *smuggling* information. It is the process of hiding one message inside another in such a way that a person finding the outer message will not realise that a second message is hidden within. Consider a prisoner who needs to receive a secret message. They k…