meta + grimoire
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5 Articles that combine these categories:
meta + grimoire(See also: all categories, featured categories, featured articles, all articles. Sort articles by name, created, edited)
5 Articles that combine these categories:
The finger that points to the moon is not the moon — Old Mate Thich Nhat Hanh Istigkeit! I shout, with all my breath, ISTIGKEIT! But for all the world, all that is heard is a whisper. That notorious German word: Istigkeit ...translates, most literally, as "Isness" What "is" …
The secret source of humor itself is not joy but sorrow. —Famous Smart Alec, Samuel Clemens Explaining a joke can only ever make it funnier Analyzing a joke is like dissecting a frog, in the end they both die. —Woody Allen I used to believe that jokes stopped being funny when …
What is the connection between these three things? - A Chinese legend of an invisible cord tied around the ankle that connects those who are destined to meet. - Kabbalist belief that a thin scrap of woolen thread can be worn to ward off misfortune brought about by the evil eye. -…
"This business of arrows is a tricky one" —Dependency Graph for Knowledge The best discussion I've seen on the challenge of deciding which way to draw the arrows is from Edward Tufte, in the book "Beautiful Evidence" -- and available online here: Links, Causal Arrows, Networks …
Please see Unbounded Recursion (Alternatively see Recursion where you can learn about applying bounds to your recursion, or detecting cycles in referential data structures) there is no general method to determine whether a given program will ever halt or will run forever; this …