fractal + geometry
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3 Articles that combine these categories:
fractal + geometry(See also: all categories, featured categories, featured articles, all articles. Sort articles by name, created, edited)
3 Articles that combine these categories:
Few spirals are as beautiful as the Harriss spiral. to curve :length pu lt 45 fd :length/2 * sqrt(2) rt 90 pd penwidth :length/15 arc :length/2 * sqrt(2) 90 pu fd :length/2 * sqrt(2) lt 90 lt 45 rt 90 pd end to harriss :length :limit if :length > :limit [ color [200…
A Sierpinski triangle is the result of this line of thinking: To draw a Sierpinski triangle just draw three smaller Sierpinski triangles. (Unless the shape is too small... then just draw a regular triangle). What if we make the number 3 a parameter, :side, so that we create Sie…