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Harriss Spiral
Few spirals are as beautiful as the Harriss spiral.
to curve :length pu lt 45 fd :length/2 * sqrt(2) rt 90 pd penwidth :length/15 arc :length/2 * sqrt(2) 90 pu fd :length/2 * sqrt(2) lt 90 lt 45 rt 90 pd end to harriss :length :limit if :length > :limit [ color [200 - :length 0 128 - :length/3] curve :length rt 90 harriss :length/2.325 :limit lt 180 harriss :length/1.325 :limit rt 90 pu back :length pd ] end harriss 300 5
But I think if you replace the number 2.325 and 1.325 with other numbers you get interesting spirals.
The Hairy Harriss
Here's what we get if we go with the golden ratio and 1.325.
to curve :length pu lt 45 fd :length/2 * sqrt(2) rt 90 pd penwidth :length/15 arc :length/2 * sqrt(2) 90 pu fd :length/2 * sqrt(2) lt 90 lt 45 rt 90 pd end to harriss :length :limit if :length > :limit [ curve :length rt 90 harriss :length/1.618 :limit lt 180 harriss :length/1.325 :limit rt 90 pu back :length pd ] end harriss 300 5