fractal + curve
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9 Articles that combine these categories:
fractal + curve(See also: all categories, featured categories, featured articles, all articles. Sort articles by name, created, edited)
9 Articles that combine these categories:
The Dragon Curve or Dragon Fractal is a nifty little shape! Here are the first 12 iterations. You see the dragon shape begin to emerge. I've put a red dot before each one, so you can see how it doesn't always go forward right away. ;export dragon to dragon :count :length :angle…
The flowsnake, also known as the 'Peano-Gosper' curve is a rather dashing space-filling curve. There is also a demonstration of it on the space-filling curves page. The following implementation uses 'mutual recursion' - i.e. two methods that call each other. The flowsnake has t…
Perhaps the best known Space Filling Curve is the Hilbert Curve. to hilbert :count :size :angle if :count > 0 [ rt 90*:angle hilbert (:count - 1) :size (:angle * (0-1) ) fd :size rt 90*:angle * (0-1) hilbert (:count - 1) :size :angle fd :size hilbert (:count - 1) :size :…
A Koch curve is a well-known fractal, first described by a Swedish Mathematician, Helge Von Koch, in his paper "Sur une courbe continue sans tangente, obtenue par une construction géométrique élémentaire". Put three Koch curves together in a triangular configuration and you have…
In the article on Koch Curves we derived the famous koch-curve, by starting with a line, then a bumpy-line, then a self-similar recursive bumpy-line. The final result looked like this: to koch_curve :length :limit ifelse :limit = 0 [ fw :length ] [ koch_curve :length/3 :limit -…
Sierpinski didn't just mess around with triangles, he also wrote 50 books (all of them flip-books of Sierpinski triangles, I assume), created a curve and finally — the highlight of his storied career — he released this: his Sierpinski Signature Edition Carpet design. A short war…
to half_sierpinski :size :level ifelse :level = 0 [ forward :size ] [ half_sierpinski :size :level - 1 left 45 forward :size * sqrt 2 left 45 half_sierpinski :size :level - 1 right 90 forward :size right 90 half_sierpinski :size :level - 1 left 45 forward :size * …
Anything that's covered here is almost definitely covered in a very well known webpage, The Sierspinski Triangle Page to End Most Sierspinski Triangle Pages but regardless, I must press on. Let's draw a triangle. to triangle :length fd :length lt 120 fd :length lt 120 fd :…