The Productivity Paradox

Computers have completely created enormous productivity improvements.

The world is so so productive now!!

Cal Newport in the NewYorker wrote -- with no references --

During the past two decades or so—a period of rapid technology innovation, which produced laptops, smartphones, ubiquitous cloud computing, and Google—American productivity growth has suffered a sustained slowdown.

Cal Newport

This is known as the "Solow Paradox" -- as Robert Solow (a Nobel Laureate and hence kind of a big deal) once said:

You can see the computer age everywhere but in the productivity statistics.

wikipedia: Robert Solow

4 panel comic. Panel 1: inside a fortune telling stall, the fortune teller says "I see a small apartment", panel 2 they continue "I see you.... alone...."; panel 3: "and a lot of unfinished robots", panel 4: (the person having their fortune read is sweating nervously) fortune teller continues: "Jesus that's a lot of unfinished robots!"

(The only image credit I have for this currently is "Ganked from Calkins on FB" I intend to do better, after I finish some of these robots)


See also


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