Outbound Links
Penrose Triangle
"Mr Escher's office please"
"Up the stairs, keep turning right"
In Real Life
—New Yorker Cartoon By Robert Leighton
Logo Version
to piece :size lt 60 fd :size lt 120 fd (3* :size) lt 120 fd (4 * :size) lt 60 fd (1* :size) lt 120 fd (3* :size) rt 120 fd (:size) end to shape :size piece :size rt 120 piece :size rt 120 piece :size rt 120 end shape 50
to piece :size lt 60 fd :size lt 120 fd (4* :size) lt 120 fd (5 * :size) lt 60 fd (1* :size) lt 120 fd (4* :size) rt 120 fd (2*:size) pd pd end to shape :size piece :size pu rt 120 fd :size pd piece :size pu rt 120 fd :size pd piece :size pu rt 120 fd :size pd end shape 50 shape 50
rt 30 to piece :size :n lt 60 fd :size lt 120 fd (:size * (:n+2)) lt 120 fd (:size * (:n+3)) lt 60 fd (:size) lt 120 fd (:size * (:n+2)) rt 120 fd (:size * (:n)) pd pd end to shape :size :n piece :size :n pu rt 120 fd (:size*(:n-1)) pd piece :size :n pu rt 120 fd (:size*(:n-1)) pd piece :size :n pu rt 120 fd (:size*(:n-1)) pd end shape 20 7
The logo from the 'Uhh Yeah Dude' podcast is a crackingly good example: