stub + geometry
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7 Articles that combine these categories:
stub + geometry(See also: all categories, featured categories, featured articles, all articles. Sort articles by name, created, edited)
7 Articles that combine these categories:
The universe that we experience is 3 Dimensional, or, if you treat time as a limited dimension, 4 Dimensional. There's a famous novella entitled "Flatland: A romance of Many Dimensions" primarily concerned with life in a 2-Dimensional universe, but also covering a 2-Dimensional …
Album cover for 'The Infinite Road' by Toyz External Links - Album cover for 'The Infinite Road'…
A Penrose tiling is an example of an aperiodic tiling. Here, a tiling is a covering of the plane by non-overlapping polygons or other shapes, and a tiling ... - Wikipedia: Penrose tiling Yeh yeh yeh we know all that. APERIODIC No repeating period. Get this -- it's true chaos.…
A famous non-repeating tiling pattern, invented (discovered.) by Roger Penrose, a giant in the worlds of mathematics and floor-coverings. The following logo program produces a penrose tiling. I found this at I haven't looked through it en…
"Mr Escher's office please" "Up the stairs, keep turning right" —@MooseAllain In Real Life Cartoon —New Yorker Cartoon By Robert Leighton Logo Version to piece :size lt 60 fd :size lt 120 fd (3* :size) lt 120 fd (4 * :size) lt 60 fd (1* :size) lt 120 fd (3* :size)…